Sunday, December 16, 2007

I'm so proud...

Indulge me for a moment...I'm so proud.

This morning I was noticing that I have taught my girls the important things in life before the age of 4.

Sabrina knew every single princess by name and movie and who the corresponding prince was by the age of 4. We are such Disney freaks around here.

Tabitha can recite every line of Hairspray and sing every song in the movie (including the songs during the credits). Maybe I should make her watch more Backyardigans or Little Einsteins....but why??? Hairspray is sooo much fun!!

What will Charlee know by the age of 4? We'll have to wait and see.

I'm soooo proud!! What great parenting! Hahahahahahahaha....

On the parenting note...does anyone have any recommendations on a parenting book on parenting GIRLS??? I think it would come in handy!


dan23dan23 said...

Nice one! One of Mallory's first words was burp... And Connor can burp on command, and almost say the ABC's... Megan is quoting movies just like her dad...

I love it, Jen doesn't... What do I do?

Deon said...
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Deon said...

Sweet!! Tori tries to sing that AH AH AH from the little mermaid at the top of her lungs whenever she can. (People in the stores laugh) I thought we loved Disney but I think that you guys have us beat (I need to spell check and edit what I type before I post he he sorry about that)