Megan and Sabrina....best buds!

Brooke and Sabrina...best buds, again!

The yummy spread. The arrangement in the center is from my favorite flower shop, Sweet Peas. The yummy cake is from Creative Cakery..where else?? And all the yummy treats were from me. I'm all about desserts!!!

Egg hunt and exchange.

Sabrina got a her first iPod from her Nana and Papa... Can you tell she was totally excited about that???

Sabrina and Hudson...cute cousins + cheesy smiles = nothin' but trouble!!

All the cousins with their goodies from Nana and Papa.
Those are just a few pictures of the festivities after the baptism. We had a lot to celebrate. It was not only Easter...but also Sabrina's 8th birthday...and her baptism. It was so fun hanging out with friends and family. The night went too fast! The kids had fun finding Easter eggs in the dark. Everyone had yummy treats to eat and lots of fun conversation.
Again, thanks to all those who took the time on a busy day to come and celebrate with us!
What a fun day! So much going on!!! My kind of party I love desserts!!!
Wow...what a celebration! Fun...fun...fun!
Wow...what a celebration! Fun...fun...fun!
Looks like you had an incredible day with so much fun and fabulous food and friends. I'm glad you had such an amazing day and wonderful memories!
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