2. Gian also washed my car for me. That's a blessing since it doesn't happen often. I have such a great husband. He would do anything for anyone at the drop of a hat. He has shown me what it means to have unconditional love. I've been so grumpy lately, due to all my drama, but he has been there to listen to me and be a huge support.
3. I got a sweet e-mail from a friend that lives quite a distance away. (Miss you Heidi!!!) It was such a sweet note that came just when I needed it most.
4. I got a phone call from Thomas' mommy telling me that she had something for me from Thomas. So when I met her at Sabrina's school (where Meri works) she greeted me with this:
How did Thomas know I LOVE tulips?? And he wrote/scribbled the cutest thank you note! And ICE CREAM too!!! I love that boy!! Even though my schedule was off, I love having Thomas at my house!!! He(and his mom and dad and grandma) is a blessing to our family!
5. We got "dreamed" at Disneyland. As we were leaving we got Mickey Mouse ears from the "dream team". For as many times that we go to Disneyland this was a first for us and it was so nice to get this surprise. By the way, these are Charlee's first Mickey ears!
So blessings come....sometimes it's the little things that are the big things. I hope sometime I can be the blessing in someone else's life right when they need it as others have been for me! Thank you for your kindness!
Great attitude! Concentrating on blessings when something negative hits you helps. You are blessed with a great family: Gian the thoughtful, Sabrina the exuberant, Tabitha the sense of humor, and Charlee the smiler. And two parents that love you and them!
Love mommma-Sue
p-s. Read Totally Blessed's blog for today. more love mom
Talk about good things...my car hasn't been washed in ages! Plus, who wouldn't love Tulips and icecream. So sweet! I love that you spent some time with your family and Disneyland too. Elly the Elephant is too cute!
Sorry for such a bummer week.....but it's funny how when your down things just start to pick right back up and you really start to realized how blessed you really are. Hope things get better!
Thank-you again for including Thomas in your "busy busy" week...he really loves and adores you... and we are sooo blessed to have you in our lives! Forget about last week and ENJOY this week...we love you!
Thanks for making me cry! =0
Keep that chin up! Bummer days will be there once in awhile and it's cool when things surprise you and people around you bring little bits of happiness your way. I call them angels! =)
P.S. I love the I love U sign from your hubby, on your car! That is the sweetest thing ever! What a guy! =)
Looks like you have a ton of blessings to be thankful for!! & What a sweet thing for Gian to do!
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