I decided to do the "good patient" thing and go in for a physical. I had a few minor issues that needed to be addressed....but I came home a medical mess!!!
I had to have a tetnis shot because who knows when I had one before.
I have to go back, fasting, to have some general bloodwork done.
I got a referral to a dermatologist for some moles to be looked at and some "pigment discoloration".
I mentioned that I have a little cough and cold. Come to find out I have a pretty good ear infection- bring on the amoxicillian.
But here's where it gets good...... I have to go on
Yep. I have to limit my blogging time. Strict doctors orders!!!
No joke!
You see, I have been having some numbness in my left hand. It's driving me crazy!!! My thumb, forefinger and middle man are numb. So when I told the doctor and after some tests, he told me I have carpal tunnel syndrome. I chuckled when he asked, "Are you on the computer alot?" Ummmmm, yeah.....ummmm, does blogging count???
So I guess I'm on blogging bedrest with strict orders to take ibuprofen and limit my computer time.
So, the moral to the story. If your feeling fine, don't go to the doctor....he WILL find something (or many things) wrong with you!!! And take away your computer priviledges. Ugh!
that is a funny story but sorry about all the stuff you found out=(
Oh no...give your hands a break...we love you...get better soon! Love you!
thanks for your comment...and yes iam very lucky to have found him so early in my life, but i know its because we have such a busy busy life ahead and lots of things to accomplish=)
*now lets me i noticed that not even 24 hours after you were given doc's orders,you were back on and leaving comments!! i dont think your doc would be too excited about this hahaha lol
I'll miss seeing your posts while you're healing. If you get desperate, I'll come type for you. It may take a while but we'll have a good laugh.
I'm dying about your blogging bedrest and I'm dying that you've seen John Stamos 3 times at Disneyland. Oh...and I'm sad I didn't see him (and YOU) because I was there on Wednesday too!! Happy LATE birthday Gian.
Seriously?=( Just type with your other hand! Or maybe you could learn to type with your toes. Ya know, you'll be all limber from your belly dancing class then you can stretch those legs up to the keys and use those pretty toes! Or use a pencil to type...that's not using your fingers! Can you tell we don't want you to go? =) Get better!
That is too funny that you are on blogging bedrest. Bet you didn't see that one coming!
I've never heard of bed rest for carpal tunnel syndrome! How long? Hopefully, you'll be back to normal soon.
Blogging bedrest??? That is my nightmare!
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