Sunday, November 15, 2009

Madame Vice President

After some campaigning,

and a speech in front of all the 4th and 5th graders,
votes were tallyed for the Vice President of the SNAC (Student Nutrition Advisory Council)
and Sabrina WINS for the Vice President position (along with her good friend Lauren as the 4th grade Press Secretary).

Way to go, Sabrina! Let the meetings begin.


Jeffrey, Meri, and Thomas said...

Congratulations Sabrina...wish I was there @ Tincher this year! But, at least you are there to keep the school in check...good luck and have fun!

pati-Sue said...

Hooray for Sabrina. Being involved in your school is important. It is good to be able to work with your friend, Lauren, too. Serve with honor!!
luv ya Nana

Cari said...

Yay! Congratulations Sabrina!