Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day twelve is gone...

Twelve days of Valentines have come and gone
And we have had some great times all along
Today a sweet surprise was given
And the girls thought they had died and gone to heaven
Lots of goodies, prizes and a treat
From Uncle Warren and Auntie Joan, they are so sweet
A new book for Charlee to devour
So much fun....but now it's the 10 o'clock hour
and I am tired
So now I will retire


ashcraft8 said...

What a great picture of Charlee. She sure was enjoying that book when I saw her.

pati-Sue said...

The Oswalds are such sweet people
Like family to you
Little thoughtful things
To your hearts gratefulness brings.

I love Charlee and her book
Never too early to start
To take reading into
Her heart.

Love Mom